Applied Behavioral Science

Have you ever been frustrated because you have been unable to motivate employees to make the changes you asked them to make? Changing behaviors can be a challenge but, in this modern business world, it is an absolute necessity if you are serious about gaining a Competitive Edge. After all, the success of a small or mid-sized business owner can be measured by his/her ability to get things done through others.

I was fortunate to spend learn Applied Behavioral Science (ABS) skills at one of the world’s leading consulting firms specializing in this methodology

Among the many things I learned was that most business leaders don’t understand that there is a science to why people do what they do – a science they, the leader, can learn and use to guide their own actions and those of others, without fail.

It is a fact of life that nothing changes until behaviors change. Applied Behavioral Science can help you to understand why people say and do certain things. The study of behavioral science has matured through the 20th century, and today is a combination of the traditional elements of science and the more innovative application in organizations.

The science of behavior relies on proven methods to help companies understand what influences behavior, and how managing those influences will impact the entire organization. ABS tools cut through many of the “soft” factors, such as personality and motivation, and focus on what can be directly observed and objectified, utilizing a scientific, database process that analyzes changes and manages behaviors.

Applied Behavioral Science is very much a teaching and coaching approach, in which the leader’s goal becomes the success of every employee. In this scientific process, early indicators are identified to objectively analyze the impact of changing behavior.

Utilizing ABS, leaders may discern the correct behaviors to measure, and make early predictions as to whether the desired results will be achieved.

Harnessing the power of Applied Behavioral Science and achieving the behaviors that are linked to end results clearly correlates to improvements in corporate culture, business results, and gaining a Competitive Edge.